How To Turn Off Read Receipts On Instagram

Instagram has become one of the well known platforms today. Almost everyone has an account on this social media. It is mainly used for sharing images and short videos. However, this platform also has quite successful messenger tools. It has its own built-in functions. For example, sending secret texts, photos that become inaccessible over time, and various other features like calls.

Instagram Read Receipt

Like many other messengers, this one also offers a way to find out whether a user has seen your message or not. To this end, the app implements a “seen” caption at the bottom right of your correspondence. It appears next to your message and shows whether the user has read it. Your interlocutor will also see this alongside the messages you have sent. Many users ask this. Is it possible to read a message without the other user knowing about it? If you do not want the other person to know that you have already read the message, there is no way to do this on Instagram.

Turn Off Read Receipts On Instagram
Turn Off Read Receipts On Instagram

Currently, every time you open a conversation, your conversation is informed that the message has been read. This way you can be sure whether you have received the message or not. However, there are some loopholes that allow you to view the message without being notified. For example, you can restrict the profile of a user whose messages you want to read. This might seem like a strange solution, but it really works. If you restrict an account, you will receive your correspondence with this user of requests. In this case, you can read the message and the user will not know about it until you give permission to correspond.

You may also like this:  How To Read Instagram Messages Secretly Without Them Knowing

-Open the Instagram application.

-Go to the profile of the user you want to restrict.

-Then you have to click on the 3 horizontal dots in the upper right of the screen.

November 4, 2022

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